Become a Technical Contractor with Technical Resources.

Looking for contracts with industry-leading pay rates, loyalty bonuses, guaranteed payment dates, and long-term potential? We’ll help you find recruitment roles that match your skills and experience to keep you busy all year.

Becoming a contractor couldn’t be easier.

Book a call

Initial call with one of our specialist consultants to discuss what type of work you are looking for and go over details and experience.  

Register for job alerts

Register on our system to ensure you receive SMS/emails and calls about the latest contract opportunities. 

Provide your availability

Provide us with your next available date for work, so you have no gaps in earnings. If applicable, ensure that you have an unmarked van/car for tooling purposes and travel across sites. 

Prepare for the job

Ensure all relevant requirements for the work are in place such as tools, ECS/CSCS card, PPE, and any other equipment you may need.

Set up and get working

Send your public liability insurance and set up payment options as a limited company, or via an Umbrella company. We also require documents such as your passport, and NI number. 

Contract work opportunities, just waiting for you.

We work with industry leaders across the UK. Apply to our open roles and we’ll do our best to get you placed as quickly as possible.

Our Contractors Love Working With Us

Send your CV.

Be the first to know about jobs that match your skills and experience.

Just upload your CV and we’ll look for opportunities that are a great fit for you.

CV Upload

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